Poster Presentation Instructions
Themes Abstract submission Full Paper Submission Proceedings Consent to Publish Guide for Presenters Poster Presentation Instructions

It is mandatory to build the PPT using the GeoShanghai2024 Poster template and you may download it from the website. 

1. Submission channel for Poster is opened. Only papers that are accepted as Poster Presentation are required to submit the ppt & pdf. 


2. Please log into the online submission system with registered Email and password. Click on the “Poster Submission” button on the left to see the list of your submitted papers. There will be an “Upload your file” button behind those papers which were accepted as Poster Presentation. 


3. Please make sure that the size of the document is within 50M.


4. Once you are ready to submit, please click on the "Add files" button to select the ppt & pdf file from your computer first and start the uploading process by clicking on the “Start” button.


Please upload your poster before 15th May. We will print and post the poster uniformly. If there are any changes to the poster after 15th May, please print it yourself and bring a printed poster to the conference venue for poster competition. We will have volunteers to help you pin your poster onto the exhibition board.



  Poster Submission