Guide for Presenters!


Oral Presentation
·  Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint.
·  We kindly ask you not to bring your own laptop, but to bring your presentation on a USB-key, as a laptop will be provided in each session room. Changing laptops takes valuable time and might cause technical difficulties. 
·  PPT can be testing and copy at the Speaker Ready Area in the 1st floor, we kindly ask you to testing your PPT files 30 minutes before the start of your presentation.

Screen resolution of the beamers of each meeting room:

Keynote Session (Diamond Ballroom): 16:9

Parallel Session (Pink Diamond A/B, Ruby Ballroom A-E, Sapphire Ballroom A): 16:9

·  You can download the conference template here.
Poster Presentation
Poster session will take place in the 1st Floor Diamond Ballroom C.

Poster session is scheduled on the 28 May and 29 May.


Posters uploaded in advanced will be printed and pasted by the conference. 

·  For the posters that have not been uploaded, conference do not have any facilities to print your poster onsite, please print it out by yourself before arriving at the venue.








Submission channel for Poster is opened !


It is mandatory to build the PPT using the GeoShanghai2024 Poster template and you may download it from the website. 

1. Submission channel for Poster is opened. Only papers that are accepted as Poster Presentation are required to submit the ppt & pdf. 


2. Please log into the online submission system with registered Email and password. Click on the “Poster Submission” button on the left to see the list of your submitted papers. There will be an “Upload your file” button behind those papers which were accepted as Poster Presentation. 


3. Please make sure that the size of the document is within 50M.


4. Once you are ready to submit, please click on the "Add files" button to select the ppt & pdf file from your computer first and start the uploading process by clicking on the “Start” button.


Please upload your poster before 15th May. We will print and post the poster uniformly. If there are any changes to the poster after 15th May, please print it yourself and bring a printed poster to the conference venue for poster competition. We will have volunteers to help you pin your poster onto the exhibition board.



  Poster Submission  

The online registration and paper deposit payment system is open now!

Dear colleagues,

We are glad to let you know that the online registration and paper deposit payment system is open. You are invited to complete the paper deposit payment and the registration. The paper deposit should be paid for each full paper before publication. After a successful payment, each paper deposit generates a discount code. When you do the registration, it will deduct 200 dollars (or 1500 RMB) from the registration fee when you add the discount code in the registration form. A discount code can only be used by one registration and one registration can only use one discount code. 

Please follow the instructions to complete the paper deposit payment and registration. Thank you!

If you have any inquiry about the paper deposit payment and registration, please feel free to contact us via

Looking forward to welcoming you in Shanghai this May.

Best regards,
Organizing Committee of GeoShanghai 2024

The full paper due is November 15 2023.

The full paper due is November 15 2023.

Please prepare the full paper in accordance with the conference templates.

Full Paper should be submitted through the Online Submission System.

Full paper submission has been opened!

The full paper due is November 15 2023.

Please prepare the full paper in accordance with the conference templates.

Full Paper should be submitted through the Online Submission System.

The abstract due is August 31 2023.

The abstract due is August 31 2023.

Abstract may be submitted through this website by Online Submission System.

Abstract submission has been opened!

The abstract due is August 31 2023.

Abstract may be submitted through this website by Online Submission System.

GeoShanghai 2024 Homepage Open!

GeoShanghai 2024 Homepage Open!