The online registration and paper deposit payment system is open now!


Dear colleagues,

We are glad to let you know that the online registration and paper deposit payment system is open. You are invited to complete the paper deposit payment and the registration. The paper deposit should be paid for each full paper before publication. After a successful payment, each paper deposit generates a discount code. When you do the registration, it will deduct 200 dollars (or 1500 RMB) from the registration fee when you add the discount code in the registration form. A discount code can only be used by one registration and one registration can only use one discount code. 

Please follow the instructions to complete the paper deposit payment and registration. Thank you!

If you have any inquiry about the paper deposit payment and registration, please feel free to contact us via

Looking forward to welcoming you in Shanghai this May.

Best regards,
Organizing Committee of GeoShanghai 2024