Prof. Sheng Dai
Prof. Akm Badrul Alam Prof. Mona Badr El-Din Anwar Dr.-Ing. Ba Trung Cao Prof. Dave Ta Teh Chang Prof. David Connolly Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roberto Cudmani Prof. Sheng Dai Prof. Pierre Delage Prof. Zhen Guo Dr. Tatsuya Ishikawa Prof. Bo-An Jang Prof. Fayun Liang Prof. Jinhui Li Prof. Liping Li Prof. Xiaojun Li Dr. Pengzhi Pan Prof. Keh-Jian (Albert) Shou Prof. Dong Wang Prof. Rui Wang Prof. Fawu Wang Dr. Mark H. Wayne Prof. Liam Wotherspoon Prof. Zhongxuan Yang Prof. Zhiguo Yan Prof. Xiong Yu Prof. Zhen-Yu YIN Prof. Fengshou Zhang Prof. Annan Zhou
Prof. Sheng Dai
Georgia Institute of Technology
Invited lecture title:Micromechanical Properties of Granite at Elevated Temperatures

Sheng Dai, Ph.D., P.E., is a Georgia Mining Association Early Career Professor and group coordinator of Geosystems Engineering in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. He is also a faculty member in the Ocean Science and Engineering program and holds a courtesy appointment at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Dr. Dai leads the Subsurface Processes Laboratory (SPL) at Georgia Tech and addresses the resilience and sustainability in energy and the natural environment through studying energy geotechnics and nature inspired engineering. His research has been funded by federal funding agencies (DOE, NSF, NASA, DOT), national labs, and industry. His research, teaching, and service have been recognized by the NSF CAREER award, the NSF CMMI's Game Changer Academies, the ORISE Fellowship, and at Georgia Tech, the Emerging Leaders Program, CEE Interdisciplinary Research Award, Woodfruff Academic Leadership Fellow, Jim Pope CREATE-X Faculty Fellow, CEE Bill Schutz Junior Faculty Teaching Award, and the Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows.